EZPuro™ RO Purification System
EZPuro™ is a robotic reverse-osmosis (RO) water purifier. EZPuro™ technology allows to purify 99.3% of all the contamination in the feed water. This implicates that EZPuro™ provides extremely pure water that can be used for many purposes with zero user inter-vention.
- EZPuro™ is the SMALLEST and LIGHTEST machine in its category – a key fea-ture in many industries.
- EZPuro™ is the SMARTEST water purifier in the word. It is a pioneer in the world of water treatment, with a level of automation that does not yet exist in any other product in the market. It can be easily operated by any individual, not only professionals, and promises a continuous optimized performance in term of water production rate, longer service periods and higher water quality. This is achieved by means of ROBOTIC control and monitoring system.
- EZPuro™ uses a complex algorithm to control two actuated proportional valves according data collected from multiple of sensors.
- EZPuro™ is equipped with 4.3″ touch screen and Wi-Fi connection to maximize the user interface experience and allow full monitoring on the machine perfor-mance without being on site.
- EZPuro™ can handle very rough feed water, outperforming most of the ma-chines in its category, which fail to operate under such conditions.
- Dimensions: 58cm / 35cm / 30cm.
- Weight: 28kg.
- Power supply: 100 – 220vac / 50 – 60 Hz
- Power dissipation: 1100 Watts
- User Interface: 4.3″ Touch Screen
- Production rate: 250-500 liter per hour
- Rejection Rate of all contamination in the water: 99.3%.
- Wi-Fi connectivity and android/iPhone
Download the EZPuro Product Sheet (pdf)