Thermoflex™ R - Hot Water Supply, Off-Grid, Rural Areas

EZPackWater Thermoflex R
The Thermoflex™ R is a Hybrid Water Heating System based on a large water bladder heated by a heat pump using Energy Storage technology and powered by Renewable Energy sources.
Such a system can be used for:
- Work camps
- Lodges
- Central hot showers in villages
- Light industries (like laundries)
- Central shower site in a Village or Schools
Power generation
An array of 32 PV panels produced power during the light hours. The DC power from the PV panels is converted to 3-phases AC power, that that is supplied to the heat pump that keeps on heating the water bladder. A set of batteries is charged by a DC current, and provide the power for circulating and delivery pumps when the system is used.
Energy Storage
There is a difference between the time that alternative energy can be produced (sunny hours) and the time that hot water is mostly used, morning & evening hours. To fill the gap, The Thermoflex™ R is using a large volume water bladder as a mean to store energy in a form of hot water.
Main Bladder
The bladders used in the Thermoflex™ R system is EZPack® proprietary double layer water bladder, installed in an isolated capsule. The bladder’s volume depends on the application and is between 3,000-liter to 24,000-liter.
The Thermoflex™ R Advantages
- No contact between the water and the heating element.
- The water temperature is about 500C (reducing energy).
- Simple maintenance, mostly preventive
- Drinking water quality!
- The bladder is also an emergency water reservoir, for events of water shortage or crisis.